“My Girl is Finally Walking on her own Two Legs”
States the mother of two and a half year old Chagit, who, after treatment by Ofer Alfasi of Tiberius, through energy transfer, stood up for the first time on her own two legs.
Shachar Shachar
“What no doctor believed could happen, Ofer Alfasi caused through his special energy therapy. My daughter, for the first time after two and a half years, is finally walking on her two legs.” This is what Lilac Elshivili, mother of two and a half year old Chagit of Nazereth Elite told us excitedly this week. At the end of a long series of treatments by positive energy transfer, Chagit succeeded in standing on her legs for the first time in her life.
The high level positive energy of Ofer Alfasi has again proven its ability and caused much unusual excitement in the Elshivili family of Nazareth Elite. “For over a year my daughter Chagit has not been able to put weight on her right leg.”
“Countless numbers of examinations and x-rays we gave her, and all the doctors that we saw stated that she needed an operation to solve her problem.” Chagit’s mother told Kol Ha Emek Ve Ha Galil this week. “The family, mainly myself, were afraid of the operation until we read a notice in your paper about Ofer Alfasi, who heals through positive energy,” said the mother.
“After I surveyed her body by moving my hands over it, and I located the significant problem area, I started giving her treatment”, Ofer Alfasi, the healer described shortly after he finished the treatment with impressive success.
The little girl was sent to have a cast made around the problem tendon which caused the difficulties in the functioning of the right side of her body, Chagit’s mother had to take her to a private clinic, “Maalah Tzvia”, for the cast, because the regular doctors refused to provide the service.
“Through the means of directing positive energy from the brain to the pelvis area and from there to the sole of the foot, after 19 sessions I succeeded in solving the problem,” explained Alfasi.
“To see the girl walking for the first time in her life, standing on both her legs, its simply a miracle – which happened on the merit of the positive energy treatments of Alfasi. You have to see it to believe it”, exclaimed the mother excitedly.