August 29, 1997

A kibutznik from the Jordan Valley: ”By Virtue of Positive Energy Treatment I was spared breast surgery.”

“Two months ago I was checked by a doctor in the hospital who determined that a suspect breast lump had to be removed. However, I asked to have a mammogram (a breast x-ray).

“In the x-ray, there was no pathological finding. I received an appointment for a sonogram and the doctor stubbornly insisted that I had to have an operation, since even I felt a lump which was more than two centimeters in size.
For two weeks I decided to receive treatment from the Positive Energy healer Ofer Alfasi.
During the treatment, the lump all of a sudden divided into two pieces and the remains shrank into half the size and become softer.
Therefore, in the sonogram that was taken after two weeks, two small lumps were discovered that were defined as non-malignant cysts. While I was going steadily to the Positive Energy therapist Ofer Alfasi, I went back to the doctor in the hospital for a check-up, after the lumps were already soft, and it was possible to extract the liquid, and afterwards the lumps disappeared,” said the woman who now felt great. She added, ”I spared myself from having to go through a terrible operation which can have various complications.
The decision to turn to a non-conventional medical treatment is in the hands of everyone. I am happy that there is an alternative in
alternative therapy—and it

is a fact that it works”, said the forty year old kibutznik, who, in the merit of non-routine therapy was saved from an operation and physical and mental suffering.
“Sometimes it’s worthwhile trying other methods to solve medical problems”, the kibbutz member summed up.

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